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Hormone Imbalance And The Menstrual Cycle

Hormone Imbalance And The Mensural Cycle

Do you feel low energy sometimes and super energetic at other times? You must be wondering why you are experiencing such energy fluctuations!  Hormones are the root of everything.

Hormones are chemicals produced by glands in the endocrine system that tell your cells, tissues, and organs what to do. Endocrine glands are cells located throughout the body that generate, store, and unleash hormones into the bloodstream. Different endocrine glands regulate different organs. Hormones help regulate many important functions in the body, such as mood, body temperature, metabolism, heart rate, sleep, reproductive cycles, growth, and stress.

Female hormonal imbalance occurs when hormones rise above or drop below normal levels in the bloodstream. Hormone levels in women normally fluctuate at certain times, such as before or during menstruation, during pregnancy, or menopause. Female hormone imbalance is common in adrenaline, steroid hormones, growth hormones, insulin, estrogen, or progesterone. Certain medical conditions, lifestyle habits, environmental conditions, and endocrine gland malfunctions can be other causes of hormonal imbalance in females.

Bloating, weight gain, fatigue, mood swings, and spikes in body temperature are only some of the many symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women. Delayed or skipped periods can also be caused by hormone imbalances. These imbalances can impact personal comfort, focus, health, work performance, and relationships with loved ones.

Estrogen is a hormone that plays various roles in the body. In females, it helps develop and maintain both the reproductive system and female characteristics, such as breasts and pubic hair. Both female and male bodies have this hormone, but females create more of it. Oestrogen imbalance may lead to irregular or no menstruation, noncancerous lumps in the breast and uterus, dry skin, mood changes, sleeping problems, and many more. Estrogen therapy and lifestyle changes are the best ways to balance this hormone.

Progesterone is the main pro-gestational steroid hormone secreted by the female reproductive system. It is linked to the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and the development of an embryo. The ovaries, placenta, and adrenal glands produce progesterone to regulate the condition of the endometrium, which is the inner lining of the uterus. Abnormal bleeding, irregular or missed periods, spotting and abdominal pain during pregnancy and frequent miscarriages, weight gain, and gallbladder problems are the health risks associated with progesterone hormone imbalance.

Testosterone belongs to a class of male hormones called androgens. But women also have testosterone. The ovaries produce both testosterone and estrogen. Relatively small quantities of testosterone are released into a woman’s bloodstream by the ovaries and adrenal glands. High testosterone hormone levels cause abnormal facial hair, acne, and excess body hair, and potential heal risk like PCOS.

There are four core phases in your menstrual cycle. They are the follicular phase, menstrual phase, ovulation phase, and luteal phase. The hormones involved in your menstrual cycle are follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, oestrogen, and progesterone.

Follicular phase: Technically the follicular phase starts on the first day of the period and lasts until ovulation. In this phase, the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), one of the gonadotropic hormones released by the pituitary gland, stimulates egg development and the release of oestrogen.  The change in hormones during this time will affect your energy levels, strength, and mental focus. It is therefore highly advised to include good nutrition during the follicular phase. This phase is from day 1 to day 13 of your menstrual cycle.

Menstrual phase: This phase starts when your egg has not been fertilized. During this phase, oestrogen and progesterone levels drop and the endometrial lining of your uterus sheds from your vagina in the form of mucus, blood, and tissue. Due to the rapid drop in hormones, you may experience cramps, bloating, tender breasts, headaches, tiredness, mood swings, and low back pain. This phase is from day 1 to day 7. You may use Mahinsure’s organic bamboo fibre sanitary pads and cramp relief roll-on for safe and hassle-free periods.

Ovulation Phase: This phase starts halfway through the cycle, around days 13–15 (but this can change cycle-to-cycle and you might even have the occasional cycle where you don’t ovulate at all). This starts the ovulation phase when your ovary releases a mature egg. During this phase, your egg travels through the fallopian tube where it can be fertilized with sperm to get pregnant. A rise in basal body temperature and thicker vaginal discharge are some of the signs that you are ovulating. This phase is from day 14 to day 28. When oestrogen levels are high enough, they signal to the brain, causing a dramatic increase in luteinizing hormone (LH), which in turn causes ovulation (release of the egg from the ovary) to occur. During this phase, we are at our brightest, most energetic, with lots of motivation to get things done. Keep in mind that good nutrition during this phase is very important to fuel that energy.

Luteal Phase: During this phase, after releasing an egg, the follicle releases oestrogen and progesterone. The rise of these hormones results in the thickening of the lining of the uterus. If your egg doesn’t get fertilized, there will be a rapid drop in the level of these hormones that initiate the period. You will experience weight gain, bloating, breast swelling, food cravings, and other PMS symptoms during this phase. This phase is from day 25 to day 28.

Hormonal therapy and lifestyle changes listed below are the solutions for hormonal imbalance:

Maintaining a healthy body weight, using stress-management techniques such as deep breathing, yoga, positive visualization, and meditation, avoiding spicy foods and drinks, limiting sugary and packaged foods, and scheduling regular healthcare appointments are all important.

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