Teen Zone

Everything you wanted to know about puberty

Hello pretty girls! You must be 8 or above and experiencing a lot of changes physically, emotionally, and socially. You need to understand that all of these changes that are happening to you are completely normal. Every small girl has to go through these changes to grow into a big girl to become more mature. Transitioning into adulthood from childhood is a kind of roller coaster ride. Sometimes, you feel excited and sometimes, it’s all confusing as you are going through a lot of physical, emotional, intellectual, and social changes. So, what is this amazing phase? You must have heard of the familiar word “Puberty”. Understanding puberty is an important aspect of every person’s life. Being a small kid, it is significant to know how puberty is affecting your life.

Here, we have discussed a few points about puberty and its stages that will help you to go through it comfortably.

Puberty is a beautiful phase when your body transition from childhood to adulthood. Your body will grow and change due to the enhancement of hormones in your body. So, what’s all this about? It starts when a hormone called Gonadotropin is released by your brain. This hormone triggers numerous changes in your body. After reaching the pituitary gland, this hormone releases two hormones triggering puberty into the bloodstream. These two hormones are luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone. When these hormones reach the sex organs in girls and boys, they trigger them to release oestrogen in girls and testosterone in boys.

Because of these hormonal fluctuations, your body will show a lot of signs that must be cared for by following a healthy and hygienic lifestyle. This is the time when you are on the way to becoming mature and capable of reproduction.

It’s always a great idea to talk to an adult if you feel confused about these changes. If you are not comfortable discussing all these changes with your parent, you can have a chat with your school counsellor or gynaecologist. Proper guidance will make your journey more comfortable and beautiful that you will remember forever.

Your mother is the best person to talk to if you are confused about what is happening to you. Your mother had also gone through all these changes and she can guide you perfectly. She will tell you how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and tackle these changes. Can I Have a Chat with My father About These Changes? Yes, you can have a chat with your father and let him know how you feel about this. Puberty is the part of growing up and everything is normal that you are dealing with.

Mostly, girls’ puberty starts earlier than boys. The age of puberty in girls is between 8 and 13. However, this can vary from person to person. A friendly conversation with your parent or other comforting adult is what you all need at that time.

The phase of puberty typically ends within 2 to 5 years after it starts. Although every child is different, some studies suggest that puberty takes a much longer time to end when it starts early in a few kids.

This is the phase when you will experience your first menstruation and first menstrual cramp. Before it all starts, it is better to research the products that will comfort you during this period. You can opt for an organic sanitary pad like a Bamboo Sanitary pad to get safe and hassle-free menstruation. You can also make your life easier with a roll-on for menstrual cramps. It is okay to have early menstruation as well as to not have it while all your friends are having it. Every individual is different and their body responds differently in every phase of life. Many of you are into sports and worried about your performance while you are menstruating. There is nothing to worry about. All you have to do is to get sustainable, ultra-thin, and breathable sanitary pads and concentrate only on your game.

Some of you or your friends may have experienced early puberty. This is completely normal. Although, there is no certain reason behind early puberty. However, some people believe early puberty mostly starts because your brain starts sending signals a bit earlier than it should. There is no other reason like any trigger or medical condition for which you have to worry about. Also, it might be possible that this early puberty stage runs in your family. You can ask your mother or elder sister about this. According to some studies, early puberty is also linked with obesity, poor eating habits, and a sedentary lifestyle. Hence, it is always a great idea to participate in some sport, activity, or yoga and have a properly balanced diet. Girls going through early puberty have a lot of consequences that make their transition period different from others. Many of these girls go through anxiety and depression because of the social pressure they are experiencing. They are also tending to suffer from lower self-esteem and poor academic outcomes because of their urge to fit in. If you are one of those girls who have experienced early puberty, you must talk to a trusted adult or a counsellor right away. You will feel more relaxed and confident once you let go of all your fear. If you have a friend who is experiencing early puberty, this is the time to show your true friendship. You must support your friend and tell her how beautiful she is growing. This will enhance her self-esteem and confidence.

As you know your body is growing, and it requires a lot of nutrients to fulfil your nutritional and dietary needs. With the continuous increase in your bone growth, hormonal changes, and the development of tissues, you must understand that it is highly recommended to adopt a healthy lifestyle. By following a healthy regime, you can lower the risk of obesity during puberty. Learning about puberty and what to expect during this phase will make your journey more relaxed. Now that you know all about it, you are ready to have fun in this amazing phase of your life!

Every girl undergoes different changes during puberty. Some of the changes are physical and some are emotional. With proper guidance and care, you can deal with these changes perfectly.
Physical Changes:
The development of breast buds is one of the earliest signs of the beginning of puberty. It is completely normal to see the growth of one breast starts before the other. Another common sign of puberty is the development of body hair under the arms, in the genital area, and on the legs. About six to twelve months before the beginning of the first period, many girls experience some amount of white or clear vaginal discharge. This vaginal discharge is the result of an increasing amount of the hormone oestrogen in a girl’s body. Mostly, menstruation starts in a girl within 2 to 3 years of the growth of breast buds. You must know it is normal to discuss menstruation and clear all your doubts about them. To make your menstruation journey comfortable, you can use eco-friendly products like Bamboo Sanitary Pads. They are made up of bamboo fibre, which makes them biodegradable, ultra-thin, super absorbent, infection- free, and plastic-free. Using these sanitary pads will make your periods safe, hassle-free, and odour-free. Most girls also experience a change in their heights as well during puberty. Your hips will get wider and you may also gain some weight. Your skin will become oilier resulting in the development of acne.
Emotional Changes:
This is the period when you will feel more confident and want more independence. As your body will be going through a lot of changes; you will experience some new feelings like curiosity about sexuality. It is completely normal if you will start having crushes. Mood swings are one of the most exciting signs that you will experience during this phase. Your desire to fit in your social circle will increase and you might feel peer pressure during this growing period. Boys also go through some changes during puberty. Although, their puberty starts a bit late as compared to girls between the age of 10 and 15. However, their changes are not many different from girls they start having pubic hair, facial hair, deeper voice, and an increase in curiosity about sexuality.

As you know your body is growing, and it requires a lot of nutrients to fulfil your nutritional and dietary needs. With the continuous increase in your bone growth, hormonal changes, and the development of tissues, you must understand that it is highly recommended to adopt a healthy lifestyle. By following a healthy regime, you can lower the risk of obesity during puberty. Learning about puberty and what to expect during this phase will make your journey more relaxed. Now that you know all about it, you are ready to have fun in this amazing phase of your life!

For Parents:

If you are a mother, you will see your child’s body grows and changes because of hormonal fluctuations. You must help your daughter during this phase by guiding her through these changes and understanding her needs. You can start conversing about these changes early so that she can go through this phase easily. You should also let them know every person’s body is different and so is their journey. Some girls can have facial hair as well or late menstruation and there is nothing wrong with it. They must embrace it gracefully.

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